Collectivity, LLC

Collectivity, LLC

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sin Debt Years & Foes

“There are four things every person has more of than they know; sins, 
and foes.”

Florida Debt  Collection Agency

Collectivity LLC

Tampa Debt Collection Agency

8875 Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300,Tampa, Florida, 33637 Telephone:813.792.8030 Fax: 813.792.8609 E-mail:

Friday, August 8, 2014

Who Recalls

Who recalls when folks got along without something if it cost too much?:

Till Next Time

Florida Debt  Collection Agency

Collectivity LLC

Tampa Debt Collection Agency

8875 Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300,Tampa, Florida, 33637 Telephone:813.792.8030 Fax: 813.792.8609 E-mail:

Monday, August 4, 2014

Free and unlimited credit scores and reports! Thank You Google

WOW.. Finally a credit reporting service that doesn't try to bill you every month, and provides some great advertisements about ways you can truly save money on your existing debt.  Credit Karma, backed by Google Capital, gives you unlimited credit reporting at no cost, and has a great selection of tools to help you manage your debt.

We don't often recommend this type of service, and keep it generic by saying "check your credit report"  but this one is certainly worth looking into.

Till Next Time

Florida Debt  Collection Agency

Collectivity LLC

Tampa Debt Collection Agency

8875 Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300,Tampa, Florida, 33637 Telephone:813.792.8030 Fax: 813.792.8609 E-mail:

Monday, July 21, 2014

A long time gone, coming back with Bad Debt Humorba

My apologies for being off the radar for a while on our blogging.  Business obligations have kept me totally distracted when it comes to spending some quality time with the readers and followers of my blog..

Well... I'm back.

To celebrate our less that illustrious return, we will be offering a total out of character morning chuckle.

debt collection humor
A man had been in business for many years and his business was going down the drain and was full of debt. He was seriously contemplating suicide and he didn't know what to do. So he went to his Priest to seek advice.
He told the Priest about all of his problems in business and asked the Priest what he should do. The Priest said "Take a beach chair and a bible and put them in your car and drive down to the edge of the ocean. Go to the water's edge. Take the beach chair out of the car, sit on it and take the Bible out and open it up. The wind will rifle the pages for a while and eventually the Bible will stay open at a particular page. Read the Bible and it will tell you what to do."

The man did as he is told. He placed a beach chair and a Bible in his car and drove down to the beach. He sat on the chair at the water's edge and opened the Bible. The wind rifled the pages of the Bible and then stopped at a particular page. He looked down at the Bible and knew immediately what he had to do.
Three months later the man and his family came back to see the Priest. The man was wearing a $1,000 Italian suit, his wife was all decked out with a full-length mink coat and the child was dressed in beautiful silk.
The man handed the Priest a thick envelope full of money and told him that he wants to donate this money to the church in order to thank the Priest for his wonderful advice.
The Priest was delighted. He recognizes the man and asked him what advice in the bible brought this good fortune to him.

The man replies: "Chapter 11."

[P.S. For those unfamiliar with American Law, Chapter 11 refers to declaring bankruptcy and removing all of your debt. In modern years, some people have developed the practice as a strategic financial decision.]


Till Next Time

Monday, June 2, 2014

Co-Signor vs. Reference

strong arm debe collection tactics
We have heard lately about a revived "strong arm" tactic used by many debt collection agencies that are.. well.... less than scrupulous.

If you have co-signed on a loan, or someone has co-signed on a loan for you, then the co-signer is as liable for the debt as the primary signatory on the loan.

What we have heard more and more of though is threats against "references".    Back in the days of "Ozzie and Harriet" who spoke for you at your local bank carried weight.  If someone was prepared to speak for you, to be a reference, then you stood a good chance of getting a loan.  Those days, are for the most part long gone.   "Name of a relative not living with you"  is really asking, who can a debt collector call to try to find you if you default.

A Reference has no obligation  - none at all - when it comes to the collection of your debt.   If you have a debt collection agency threaten action against a reference, then you are dealing with someone who is a part of the bottom of this industry, and you should immediately ask for proof of the debt.

We are seeing a wave of reform in the debt collection industry, and welcome it.   When we hear about old strong arm tactics making a resurgence, we have to grimmace and say... two steps forward, and unfortunately one step back..

Till next time.

Florida Debt  Collection Agency

Collectivity LLC

Tampa Debt Collection Agency

8875 Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300,Tampa, Florida, 33637 Telephone:813.792.8030 Fax: 813.792.8609 E-mail:

Monday, June 2, 2014

Co-Signor vs. Reference

strong arm debe collection tactics
We have heard lately about a revived "strong arm" tactic used by many debt collection agencies that are.. well.... less than scrupulous.

If you have co-signed on a loan, or someone has co-signed on a loan for you, then the co-signer is as liable for the debt as the primary signatory on the loan.

What we have heard more and more of though is threats against "references".    Back in the days of "Ozzie and Harriet" who spoke for you at your local bank carried weight.  If someone was prepared to speak for you, to be a reference, then you stood a good chance of getting a loan.  Those days, are for the most part long gone.   "Name of a relative not living with you"  is really asking, who can a debt collector call to try to find you if you default.

A Reference has no obligation  - none at all - when it comes to the collection of your debt.   If you have a debt collection agency threaten action against a reference, then you are dealing with someone who is a part of the bottom of this industry, and you should immediately ask for proof of the debt.

We are seeing a wave of reform in the debt collection industry, and welcome it.   When we hear about old strong arm tactics making a resurgence, we have to grimmace and say... two steps forward, and unfortunately one step back..

Till next time.

Florida Debt  Collection Agency

Collectivity LLC

Tampa Debt Collection Agency

8875 Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300,Tampa, Florida, 33637 Telephone:813.792.8030 Fax: 813.792.8609 E-mail:

Friday, May 30, 2014

Debt and Unemployment

OK, you have just lost your job, and have living expenses, and a mountain of debt to support... what now?

We face debtors in this situation all the time.  No One (or at least almost no one) plans on loosing their job, panic sets in, what to do next?

The good news is, unemployment is finally down, and benefits for unemployment have been extended, this could have been worse.

This is one reason that you want to have as much of a cushion as possible.  If you find yourself unemployed, your choices become limited when you carry massive debt.  Some employers will look at your credit history, and not hire you with bad credit.  Other times you might jump to take a job just because of the crushing weight of your obligations, even though it isn't a good job for you.  Debt takes away options.

However, you now find yourself unemployed, what next?

For the only time ever, you will hear us say... only make minimum payments on everything.   While you are unemployed, contact everyone you owe, and try to negotiate as small a payment as possible with everyone.   Your financial footprint needs to be minimized so that you don't have to "jump" on the next job, even if its not a good one.

Every elective expense, should be cancelled.  Don't stop paying on debt, as your credit rating can impact your employability - but minimize all payments.  If you don't need it, don't buy it.   Adjust your lifestyle.  The number one thing you need to do, other than find work, is to minimize all  of your expenses so that you have time to find new employment.

Good Luck to you.  If we are one of the collection agencies calling on you, please immediately let us know about your change in employment status.  Let us find ways to make this work for you, and keep you from dropping further into delinquency during your period of unemployment.

Till Next Time.

Florida Debt  Collection Agency

Collectivity LLC

Tampa Debt Collection Agency

8875 Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300,Tampa, Florida, 33637 Telephone:813.792.8030 Fax: 813.792.8609 E-mail:

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Gaining Control Of Money

"You Must Gain Control Over Your Money, or the Lack Of It Will Control You Forever"

Dave Rasmsay is  a great self-help and motivational speaker.  This picture is not Dave!

Till Next Time

Florida Debt  Collection Agency

Collectivity LLC

Tampa Debt Collection Agency

8875 Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300,Tampa, Florida, 33637 Telephone:813.792.8030 Fax: 813.792.8609 E-mail:

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

College Debt and Bankruptcy

I'm an honest hard working College Grad, that simply hasn't been able to find a decent paying job.   My college debt is weighing me down, and I can't afford to pay.  Is Bankruptcy an option for relief?

Sure, you can file for bankruptcy, but odds are, your student loans won't be forgiven, you will still owe them.

Student loans that have been guaranteed by the US Government have no statute of limitations.  That means that they are with you FOR LIFE.  It is possible to have a court grant you a  release, or partial release, of your obligation, but it is tricky.  Very Tricky.

In order to get court ordered relief from student loans you will need to be able to prove to a judge not only that you can't support the debt with your current income, but that you will not be able to support the debt from income for the foreseeable future.  You are literally "crysal balling" your future economic prospects for the court, and you need to be convincing about it.

americorps for student loan forgiveness.

One unique option, if you are fresh out of school, and not deeply entrenched in the workforce... Is volunteer work with Americorps or the Peace Corps.   Both Americorps  (volunteering inside the US) and the Peace Corps (volunteering outside of the US)  will awarded up to $4,725 towards your past due student loans for a year of service.  The experience you gain working for these agencies, just might position you for better job opportunities as well.  It's not something that works for everyone, but student loan forgiveness is hard to get, and this is a unique way to try to get some relief, work experience, and do good for society in general.

Till Next Time

Florida Debt  Collection Agency

Collectivity LLC

Tampa Debt Collection Agency

8875 Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300,Tampa, Florida, 33637 Telephone:813.792.8030 Fax: 813.792.8609 E-mail:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

When Assets are Fraudulently Hidden from a Creditor in Florida

Florida Debt Collector finding fraudulently hidden assets
Hidden Assets?

When you are owed money, and the debtor is hiding assets from you fraudulently, there are a few options available to you under Florida Debt Collections Law.

As a resident of Florida, it is imperative to understand that although the state favors the rights of debtors, creditors also have rights that should be taken into consideration.

Although debtors may receive the most favored treatment, the state of Florida does have two different statutes that assist creditors in the event of being a victim of fraud committed by a debtor.  This situation could occur if a debtor discloses testimony and particular documents stating that they are insolvent or uncollectible but in reality, their money is stored elsewhere.  Debtors will attempt to transfer all of their assets to third parties or hide them from creditors who are looking to acquire the money that is owed to them.

According to The Florida Proceedings Supplementary Statute (Florida Statute 59.26), creditors are able to add any person or entity as a defendant who have received any conveyance related to defrauding creditors or delaying the collection of a payment.  In the event that the court finds that said assets were transferred improperly, they have the ability to order the assets to be returned to the debtor’s estate for a levy with the Sheriff.  With that being said, the court can also hold the debtor responsible for any funds that have been improperly transferred to the correct party.  This can be quite beneficial for creditors as the statute itself is quite vague and provides courts with the opportunity to determine how it benefits the creditor more than the debtor, meanwhile ensuring that the debtor is awarded due process.

The second statute is the Florida Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (Florida Statute 726), which helps creditors to recover any assets that have been fraudulently transferred to a third party by a debtor.  This particular statute provides creditors with the opportunity to void any transfers pertaining to the debtor that appear to be fraudulent.  It also provides creditors with the opportunity to halt or reverse a fraudulent transfer.

Whether the statutes are used separately or together, there are many remedies available to creditors who are working with fraudulent debtors.  With over 35 years of experience, Collectivity LLC has worked with a variety of clients to ensure that they receive the money that they are owed easily and efficiently.

Until Next Time...

Florida Debt  Collection Agency

Collectivity LLC

Tampa Debt Collection Agency

8875 Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300,Tampa, Florida, 33637 Telephone:813.792.8030 Fax: 813.792.8609 E-mail:

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Perks of Debt Control

debt collection freedom

We know as well as everyone else does, you hate hearing from us.  We are debt collectors in Florida; nobody likes to hear us call.

For just a moment though, lets think about this differently.  Imagine.. a life where you did not worry about debt collection agencies.  Imagine a life where your income went to investment and lifestyle, not the black hole of interest rates and penalties.

Dealing with us, and getting that debt knocked down, can be the first step towards a fantastic life.

Here’s what is means to you.

Debt Keeps you from your dreams.

The best jobs, pull your credit report in the hiring process,  do you think the best jobs go to the debt laden, or those that have a track record of success?  Is your debt burden making it too scary to jump ship where you are to venture onto your own, or into a better job?   Looking at that monthly debt bill can leave you in shackles to your current employment situation.

Debt Stresses You Out.

Seriously, do you like checking caller ID, and worrying about what your kids think when you don’t answer the phone for fear that it is a debt collection agency?  Imagine, no credit card bills, what would that freedom look like.  Imagine, your mortgage current, imagine, not worrying about a tow truck in the middle of the night and losing your car to the repo man.  Debt worries are probably one of the largest sources of stress outside of health in today’s lifestyle.  

Debt Kills Choice

Imagine, every penny you earn, is yours.  When you are upside down in debt, you can’t choose to go to a fancy restaurant every once in a while.  You can’t chose the leather interior upgrade.  You can’t choose to venture into your own business.   Every dollar you earn is spoken for, and no longer yours.   Deal with debt, and quickly, you will find that you start having choices.

Debt Wastes Time

How much time goes into juggling which card gets paid?  How much of your second job goes towards paying debt?  Little things, you can only afford $10 in gas, so how many times do you stop to pump gas.   Your debt compromises your grocery shopping bill, so you shop smaller but more often.  There are thousands of tiny “time leaks” that managing too much debt consumes out of your life.  Make the hard decisions to deal with debt once and for all, and experience the freedom of time.

Debt Can Wreck Your Credit.

Credit scores like to see that you can manage your debt, but  debt gets you in trouble.. you just can’t win for loosing sometimes!   Paying down debt so that you have only used 30% or less of your available credit will show that you are responsible in using debt.  Your interest rates on new debt may go down, maybe you could own  a better house, with  a more favorable money.. perhaps even for less than you throw away now on renting.  Managing your debt aggressively tends to impact your credit score, with tends to impact what you pay for debt, which tends to limit your choices. 

Commit to a better life.  When the call comes, and the caller ID says Collectivity, and you know it’s a debt collector, make a stand.  Answer the call. Begin now rebuilding and regaining control of your financial destiny by taking care of debt.  Let us help work with you to resolve your debt issues.  We can’t help, if you hide, and you don’t help yourself unless you act.

Till Next Time.

Florida Debt  Collection Agency

Collectivity LLC

Tampa Debt Collection Agency

8875 Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300,Tampa, Florida, 33637 Telephone:813.792.8030 Fax: 813.792.8609 E-mail:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

FDCPA changes for Attorneys

US Senator Pat Toomey has introduced a biill that excamps FDCPA collection attorneys under certain circumstances.

That bill offers a highly technical fix to the FDCPA that would exclude from the definition of “debt collector” any law firm or licensed attorney:
  1. serving, filing, or conveying formal legal pleadings, discovery requests, or other documents pursuant to the applicable rules of civil procedure; or
  2. communicating in, or at the direction of, a court of law or in depositions or settlement conferences, in connection with a pending legal action to collect a debt on behalf of a client.
Introduced in late July 2013, HR 2892 got some press recently as more Representatives signed on as co-sponsors.
The House bill has been heavily supported by NARCA. The group has noted that the bill offers a very technical fix to the FDCPA and would apply only when collection attorneys are “engaged in litigation practice within the purview of a court.” All other communications from collection attorneys must still comply with the FDCPA, according to the group.

The Full article can be found here.