Collectivity, LLC

Collectivity, LLC

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Found an interesting Paper/Article

Good Morning everyone!

Debt Collection musings, humor, bric a brac...

Today falls under serendipity.  Serendipity is when you find an unexpected treasure that fills you with delight.

My serendipity today is in the form of a delightful article I literally stumbled across.  All I know about its authorship is that it was written by someone named Hoffman, and was written for St. Louis School of Law.

The article, in typical dull scholarly fashion is entitled

Recapturing the Congressional Intent Behind The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

I don't miss college for  its requisite dullness!

Here's the link

This person, professor ?  student?  has managed to capture the essence of the intent of the FDCPA, and how it has been misused.  They have captured the integrity and necessity of the debt collection industry, and given appropriate caution to the strong arm tactics that are an embarrassment to our industry.

All in all, I think I could have written this paper when I was in school.  It is about the need for a new paradigm in debt collection.  The dead beat debtor is for the most part a minority of the actions we are involved in.  Most are honest hard working folks, that have fallen behind, and need our help to get back on track.  Debtors treated firmly, and with respect.

My hats off to this person "Hoffman".   We seem to be of the same belief system that the debt collection agency profession is a vital part of the economic ecosystem.  That old school strong arm tactics need to be addressed, and buried, and never appear again, that debt collection laws and practice need to reflect a more enlightened attitude toward the three parties involved.  The creditor, the debtor, and the debt collection professional.

Thanks for this refreshing read, and if you are tracking who links to your article, ping me back.  I would love to make your acquaintance.

Till Next Time.


Collectivity LLC

Tampa Debt Collection Agency

8875, Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300,Tampa, Florida, 33637 Telephone:813.792.8030 Fax: 813.792.8609 E-mail:

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